
Wander: LaCluck's Revenge

Created by Panda Cult Games

The long awaited sequel to Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay. Save the town from the ghost pirate chicken lord LaCluck and her crew!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Plushie Pandulu / Rulebook / Updates
11 days ago – Wed, Aug 28, 2024 at 08:03:13 AM

Good day Wanderers!

We are back with another update to let you know that we are still making progress on this game. We had such a phenomenal GenCon. All copies of the new Pandulu sold out on the first day and most of our limited release figures sold out by the end of the show. We are working on printing more copies of these to get them on our webstore available for you all! We have a big surprise for you all that we are excited to announce.

Plushie Pandulu!

Are you ready to bring home the most adorably maddening creature you've ever encountered? Meet Pandulu, the 9 inch tall, irresistibly cute fusion of panda charm and Cthulhu mystique! With its soft, squishable fur, removable hooded cloak, and wiggly tentacle arms and legs, Pandulu is a delightful enigma—a creature so cute, it might just drive you to madness (in the best possible way). Embrace the adorably insane and adopt Plushie Pandulu today!

Be warned: Pandulu’s overwhelming cuteness might leave you questioning reality.

We were presented an amazing opportunity with Gen Con this year with meeting Riss from Tasty Peach Studios. A few emails and two weeks later, we now have a sample of this premium quality and deadly adorable 9 inch or 1.5 bananas tall Plushie Pandulu! Plushie Pandulu is available for pre-order on our webstore for $45. Also as a thank you for all your patience and wonderful encouragement we added the Plushie Pandulu as an add-on item that you can add to your existing pledge at a discounted price. Since Plushie Pandulu is being produced overseas, we are able to add him to the pledge manager with friendly shipping. All Wander backer’s will have this item available to add on to their pledges for $40.

We are still working diligently to bring Wander to our amazing community. The Kickstarter is still our priority. This was a side quest that did not take any time away from our Kickstarter project due to the amazing Riss of Tasty Peach Studios doing all the design work for us. As a small indie game company it is important for us to create new and fun items for our community while we are working on our next big releases.

Our original intention for Kickstarter Backers has been to have this adorable new friend arrive with everyone’s copies of Wander to mitigate shipping costs on the community. While Plushie Pandulu is light weight, we are looking into all of our logistical options and community feedback to see how we can best serve everyone. This may involve two waves of shipping depending on the logistics. The estimated delivery date for web-store pre-orders is mid December 2024. Our first priority is to ensure that our backers get the best options. We will have more info soon after hearing back from the community and our logistics partners. To gauge interest, we have created a form. If you would like to pay a separate additional shipping fee to have Plushie Pandulu shipped to your early, please fill out the form below.


If you need help accessing your Backerkit pledgemanager, click HERE to have a new link sent to you.

Webstore Update

Limited print run models are coming to the webstore soon starting with Jesse and Fizz. We are currently printing more and will have them packaged and good to go for the webstore. We are ramping up in house production and will have more Pandulu and Tarus models for Pax Unplugged this year and will be adding him to the webstore early next year.

Since these small print run models are locally produced and fulfilled in the US, we are currently unavailable to offer these on the pledge manager due to complications of logistics and shipping costs. That being said, we are looking into all of our options to see if there is a feasible cost effective way to make these more accessible to our overseas supporters. This is definitely something we want to make possible and hope to have more information coming.

The Cult of Barnacle Bay Rulebook

Wow! You guys have been awesome and have sent such great feedback on the Barnacle Bay Rulebook. We can't thank you enough. We have read through all the feedback and made a lot of corrections and clarifications. Here is the updated rulebook for your reading pleasure. Please let us know if you see anything else in this updated rulebook. This is very close to the final version now and we are extremely happy with how it is coming together. We want to give a very special shout out to Tristan Wheatley who submitted 181 comments and suggestions to the rulebook! THANK YOU TRISTAN!!! We will be having this version of the rulebook and all of all other edits finalized by a professional editor. We will be using this to create the new rulebook for LaCluck’s Revenge.

Download the updated rulebook HERE.

If you find any errors in the book, please feel free to let us know by submitting it through our google form HERE.

Besides the rulebooks, all contents of the game are complete. This is bringing us one step closer to starting production and getting these games to you all! I promise that no one is more excited to get this game to you all than we are!


We will be exhibiting at Dragoncon this year. If you are attending please stop by the booth and say hi. We have our vendor booth in the exhibit hall at booth #1826 on the first floor of AmericasMart Building 2. We are also setup in the gaming hall on the first floor of AmericasMart Building 3 where we are running full length demoes of Shovel Knight. If you're at DragonCon, come by, play some games, and check out the new LaCluck's Revenge items and our Plushie Pandulu sample.

As a small 3 man indie company, these conventions have been very important for us to make everything we do possible. DragonCon being only 3 weeks after coming back from GenCon has been a lot! I am happy to say that this is the last convention we will be attending until PAX Unplugged in December. This gives us a lot more time to finally get the final touches of LaCluck’s Revenge done!

Pledge Manager

As mentioned, the Plushie Pandulu is now available as an add-on. We’re also exploring options to add our newest limited-edition figures to the pledge manager.

We’re being extremely cautious with shipping costs, especially with the holiday season approaching. We have seen this hurt many other big Kickstarter projects. We anticipate Q1 fulfillment. After DragonCon, we’ll finalize all of the shipping and fulfillment details so we can lock down the pledges.

Thank you all for all the amazing support and patience. 
We will have more fun updates for you next month!

Until next time, keep calm and Wander on.

Making Progress! More Sneak Peaks & Gen Con!
about 2 months ago – Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 04:39:08 PM

Good day Wanderers!

We wanted to touch base with everyone to let you all know that we are still making progress on this game!

The Cult of Barnacle Bay Rulebook

Wow! You guys have been awesome and have sent such great feedback on the Barnacle Bay Rulebook. We can't thank you enough. This is extremely helpful to ensure that we are delivering the best game possible. We have been going through all the notes and making some changes. Once we have completed all of these, we will post a new version of the rulebook for everyone to review again. Thank you all so much!

LaCluck's Revenge Scenario Sneak Peak

As we are working on the LaCluck's Revenge Campaign Book, I thought i'd show off one of the scenarios from the campaign. This is an early scenario in the campaign to introduce the new Mega Brute boss enemy. The awful crab, turkey, kraken hybrid. THE CTHURKEN!

Scenario 1.0B: Release The Cthurken!

The Wanderers managed to pilfer a wee raft to sail 'tween the ships in Captain LaCluck's dread fleet. The Guild caught wind of a dark ritual bein' performed on one of her vessels to summon somethin'... foul! The Wanderers must scour the two ships for a hidden key to the hatch below deck, travelin' by raft or cannon to avoid the Dark Water. Once the Wanderers find the key, they'll discover the hatch lies behind a barricaded doorway that must be blasted open with a cannon from the other ship.

Do the Wanderers have what it takes to battle the dreaded Cthurken?

The Cthurken

This is Mega-Brute is truly an abomination of horrors. Check out The Cthurken Boss Card to see what it does on its turn.

More Event Cards!

Time to show off some more of LaCluck's Revenge Event Cards!

More Item Cards!

Level 1 Treasure Deck

Level 2 Treasure Deck

Level 3 Treasure Deck

Hero Highlights!

Which hero from this campaign are you most excited to play? 


We are just a few weeks away from heading to Indianapolis for GenCon 2024! We will be at our booth selling copies of Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels and running demos of Wander: LaCluck's Revenge. We also have two exciting limited-run early release items for the convention! These early release items will initially be exclusive to the convention as a small print run and will later become available on our webstore. We have started teasing one of these items on our social media. Can you guess what it might be?

Leave your guess in the comments!

Jess & Fiz

Due to the amazing feedback and so many people loving these two characters from our limited print run, we are bringing Jess & Fiz back and will be making them available on our webstore for everyone! When we return from GenCon, we will be doing another small print run of these characters and preparing them for shipment from our logistics warehouse for online orders. These small releases have allowed us to continue creating great content without the need for a Kickstarter with a 1000-unit mass production.

We will post our next Kickstarter update after we get back from GenCon and have had a few days to recover. Thank you all so much for your support!

Until next time...

Keep calm and Wander on!

Exciting Updates! Still moving forward!
3 months ago – Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 08:41:35 PM

Good evening, Wanderers!

We have some exciting updates to share with you today! We know we've fallen behind on communication these past few months, but rest assured, we've been working tirelessly full speed ahead to get this game ready for production. We understand how the lack of updates can create uncertainty about the project's future. However, we're here to assure you that the game is coming along beautifully, and we're getting closer to the finish line each day. With our small team, things have taken longer than expected, but our confidence in delivering this game remains unshaken.

We're thrilled to announce that Lance Hinkel has officially joined the Panda Cult Games team as a project manager. Many of you may recognize Lance from his YouTube channel, Learn 2 Play Games. His expertise has significantly improved our workflow, and we can't thank him enough for his invaluable contributions. We have accomplished a lot the past few months so let’s dive into it!

Event Deck 

Last time, we mentioned that we were expecting the art for the event cards soon. While we did receive the art, we had to provide some creative feedback to ensure it perfectly reflected our vision. Working closely with our talented artist, we're excited to announce that the card art, graphic design, and layout for all 65 new event cards are now complete! Here are some of our favorite event cards for you to enjoy.

Item Cards 

All 115 unique item cards, including three treasure decks, starting equipment, relic cards, and bonus hero starting equipment, are now finished! Just like in Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay, each piece of equipment is unique. Every time you find a new item, it will be one-of-a-kind. Take a look at some of our favorite items from each treasure deck!

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


Hero Cards 

All hero cards are complete! With 16 new heroes joining the Wanderer’s Guild, we now have a total of 31 characters in Wander. We've worked hard to ensure each new hero feels truly unique in abilities and playstyles. Let's show off some of the new characters you'll be playing with!

Prototype Gameplay Photos

Here are some gameplay photos from playing on our prototype. (Using original dashboards)


The updated Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay rulebook is complete. We've taken the time to clarify many areas that were unclear in our original print run. Based on community feedback, we've also made some rule tweaks to enhance the gameplay experience.

We're excited to release this early beta version of the rulebook to you. I know I'm notorious for my typos! 😅 No matter how many times we review it, something always slips through. We wanted to give the community a chance to review and provide feedback. You can download the new Barnacle Bay rulebook at the link below. If you would like to read it over and provide feedback, fill out the Rulebook Feedback Form if you spot any errors or have suggestions. Your input is invaluable in helping us create the best game possible!

Currently, we're finalizing the Wander: LaCluck’s Revenge rulebook. The LaCluck’s Revenge Rulebook & Campaign Book are the last major components we need to complete before starting production. Many rules in the LaCluck's rulebook are the same that is in the Barnacle Bay's rulebook, so your feedback on Barnacle Bay will also help us with LaCluck’s Revenge. We're almost there!

Download the early Barnacle Bay v2 Rulebook here!

Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay v2 Rulebook

You can fill out the feedback form at the link here!

Barnacle Bay Rulebook Feedback Form

Pledge Manager

Our pledge manager remains open until we start production. We still need to calculate the shipping costs for each region, including any VAT and overseas charges. This part of the project has been delayed as we've put all of our focus on finalizing the game. We will be sure to update you all on shipping costs before moving ahead on the pledge manager.

Upcoming Conventions

The next convention we will be at is Origins Game Fair in Columbus Ohio. If you are coming to the show, come say hi to us at our booth! We will be selling Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels as well as running demos of Wander: LaCluck’s Revenge.

Communication & Updates 

I will be catching up on messages and customer support emails over the next 48 hours. Thank you all so much for your patience and support!

Your continued enthusiasm and support mean the world to us. We're excited to share these updates and look forward to bringing this game to life with your help!

Until next time,

Keep Calm and Wander on!

Small Update & Adepticon
6 months ago – Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 08:51:11 PM

Good evening, Wanderers!

We have a brief update for you. Currently, there's not much news, but we're committed to keeping the updates flowing.

AdeptiCon 2024

This week, we'll be heading to Schaumburg, Illinois, for AdeptiCon 2024. We'll spend the weekend running demos and selling copies of "Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels." Don't miss the chance to visit our booth and see the new sculpts for "LaCluck's Revenge!" The Panda Cult team will be split up at this con. The talented Elizabeth Beckley will be at the Atomic Mass Games booth, assisting with the Marvel Crisis Protocol painting competition. Additionally, Elizabeth will spend some time signing copies of the "Art Of Miniature Monthly" art book. We're looking forward to meeting some of you there!

Shipping Update

Over the weekend, we received new shipping data. We need to calculate the shipping costs and weights for all regions, factoring in any additional charges, such as VAT where applicable. We'll delve into this more thoroughly once we return from AdeptiCon.

Art Progress

All equipment card art has now been received! We've been informed that the art for all event cards is being exported and will be delivered to us this week. We're thrilled to witness the event cards coming to life, thanks to the incredible work of Jose David Lanza. With all final art assets soon in hand, we'll complete the layout and design for the cards and the "LaCluck's Revenge" rulebook. It's encouraging to be making progress and moving closer to bringing this game to you! After AdeptiCon, we'll update you with more art and tile previews. Meanwhile, take a look at some Level 3 equipment card art. Can you guess what abilities these items might have?

Keep wandering, and stay tuned for more updates!

Dread Anchor
The Toxic Twins


Star & Chain
The Demonic Hurdy-gurdy
Dave Jones's Locker Door

Back on track!
6 months ago – Fri, Mar 01, 2024 at 09:57:23 AM

Good day Wanderers!

First and foremost, we extend our deepest apologies for our recent silence. The past few months have been challenging for us, marked by two significant family tragedies during the holiday season. As a small team of 2-3 people, these events profoundly impacted us, disrupting our workflow and progress. While we acknowledge that this does not excuse our lack of communication, we hope it offers some understanding of the delays we've faced. Originally, we had hoped to be further along in production, but unforeseen circumstances led us down a different path. However, we are now regaining momentum and are committed to advancing the development of our game. We remain dedicated to delivering the best game that we can. None of this would even be possible without this amazing community. Thank you all so much for your support and patience with this project.

So, where is the project currently?

One of the reasons for the delay was our anticipation of the final art assets. With over 90 unique items, 60 events, and additional Kickstarter bonuses, the volume of artwork required for this game is substantial. We are thrilled to share that we got word that all artwork has been completed and will be in our hands by the middle of next week! We look forward to showcasing some of the new items and events to you in our next update. The arrival of these art assets will enable us to proceed with the layout and finalization of all cards.

We have brought in a new project manager to help assist with bringing this game to completion. We are diligently reviewing the rule books and scenario books to ensure clarity and address any oversights from our first game. We are also committed to correcting all A0 errors from the campaign book (If you own the first game you know! 😅). Our goal is currently to have this game sent out and in your hands this year. We are confident we can make this happen. Once we have started production, we will have a much clearer timeline for fulfillment.

Pledge Manager and Shipping

In our last update, we sought updated shipping information and mentioned the impending closure of the pledge manager. Given the current stage of production, we've decided to keep the pledge manager open for late pledges. We are in contact with our fulfillment logistics partner to obtain updated shipping estimates, aiming to provide you with the most accurate information before finalizing anything. Rest assured, we will communicate the latest shipping details and close the pledge manager closer to production, ensuring you are fully informed before any charges are made.

We will be away this weekend but will dedicate time to respond to messages and address any questions upon our return on Monday.

Once again, we are profoundly thankful for your support and patience. Your backing makes all of this possible, and we are eager to bring our shared vision to life.

More items!

In the meantime, we invite you to take a peek at some of the new item art. Can you guess the names and abilities of these items?


More Ship Tiles

We are expecting to see a lot more art next week. We are excited to share this all with you!

See you all next week!
Keep Calm and Wander On