
Wander: LaCluck's Revenge

Created by Panda Cult Games

The long awaited sequel to Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay. Save the town from the ghost pirate chicken lord LaCluck and her crew!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Treasure Cards Unlocked and Upgrade Pack update
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 05, 2022 at 02:11:24 AM

Good day fellow Wanderers!

Treasure Discovered!

We have unlocked 2 new Treasure Cards from our social media giveaway!

Let's get started on creating a new Level 1 Treasure Card! We will be doing votes in the comments of the updates to help keep engagement on the Kickstarter page. If you haven't participated in the Social Media contest yet, you can do so on Facebook and Instagram in the links below. This will help get our Kickstarter in front of more people and unlock more Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure Cards.

Facebook Treasure Hunt

Instagram Treasure Hunt

Treasure Card 1 Votes Part 1

Should this new item be a Weapon, Helm, Armor, or Accessory?

Comment on this update with your answer. The comments will decide what kind of item we will be creating.

Upgrade Pack Update

Due to community feedback the Barnacle Bay Upgrade Pack will also include updated cards from High Tide and any bonus Hero Cards!

We are excited to see what fun Treasure Cards we get to make with you all so be sure to comment with your vote!

Enemy Highlight! Albatross Banshee Casters!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 03, 2022 at 06:00:34 PM

Good day fellow Wanderers! We are ever so close to reaching out funding goal with about $2k left to go. I am confident we will fund soon and start working towards some fun stretch goals. Once we are funded, we plan to reveal some other goodies we would like to unlock! Until then lets do a deep dive into another one of LaCluck's ghastly crew members. 

Albatross Banshee Casters

The new Caster enemy types are LaCluck's albatross banshees. These screaming specter of torment roam LaCluck's ships to spot an foes who wish to sneak aboard. 

There is no sneaking around corners from these incorporeal fiends. Banshee Casters are able to see and move through walls. As as soon as one spots you they begin marching across the map to take you down. While the Fishbat Casters from Barnacle Bay attack from ranged, these enemies will get right in your face to tear your to shreds. 

Check out this amazing paint job by Drew Drescher!

Don't let these foes get close to your or will become Haunted. When you are close to a banshee caster, your hero will be considered Haunted and their CRIT rolls will no longer explode into more dice. This effect can be quite devastating since these foes start off with 2 Attack, 3 Health, and 2 Defense! Defeating a banshee is no simple task, and earns the hero who defeated it 2xp.

Here is the Banshee line art for all you coloring book fans!

We are so close to reaching our funding goal that I can taste it!

We can't wait to show you all more exciting things that we have in store once we are funded.

Keep Calm and Wander On.

WE ARE FUNDED!!!!! New Stretch Goal Revealed!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 03, 2022 at 06:00:28 PM


We have now reached our funding goal and are moving towards unlocking some awesome stretch goals!

Here are the next three stretch goals!

At $90k we will be unlocking the new and improved 3D hero dashboards! These new dashboards will have an inset for your cards and have new trackers to easily track your XP, Health, Defense, and Attack values with cubes. This stretch goal will also add the 3D Dashboard to the Barnacle Bay Upgrade pack add-on.

At 95K, LaCluck's first mate Singed will be unlocked. This will add a new boss fight scenario to the LaCluck's Revenge campaign, 1 Singed miniature, 1 Singed Boss Stat Card, and 10 Boss AI Cards.

For more information on Singed check out our previous update on Halloween.

and for our $100k stretch goal...

Something Evil Is Being Cooked Up!

Once known as Captain Hook, until his fleet was taken over by a mutiny led by his own bosun the ghost pirate chicken LaCluck! Since the mutiny, Hook has been stripped of his title of Captain and was demoted to being the cook. Hook now unleashes his rage upon any foe he finds upon their ships. Cooking the living to feed the insatiable apatite of the dead!

Wanderers must be weary of this deadly rampaging crocodile. While he may appear to be only a big brute, he has spent lifetimes as a deadly tactician being one of the most fearsome pirates on the seas! Hook will level the playing field by capturing one of the Heroes, throwing them into his pot and removing them from the board! Fellow Wanderers will need to focus their attacks on Hook's pot to bust them out. If a Hero is in the pot at the beginning of their turn, they automatically suffer 1 Wound from being cooked alive!

We have many exciting new stretch goals planned and an explosive new add-on that I think you all have been hoping for. We hope to reveal more to you all soon!

Great work fellow Wanderer's. We shall have these goals shivering their timbers as we come charging forward!

Thank you all for the amazing support!

Keep Calm And Wander On!

Time For Some Treasure Hunting!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 03, 2022 at 06:00:20 PM

Good day fellow Wanderers!

We are well on our way to reaching our first stretch goal. Now that we are funded, we wanted to do a fun community driven online treasure hunt on social media!


We are doing a social media giveaway on Facebook and Instagram to help reach more people and create new treasure cards for all backers.

Facebook Contest

Facebook Contest

For every 25 Shares on Facebook and every 25 Likes on Instagram we will unlock a Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure Card for all backers. These cards will be created by YOU the backers. We will have polls created for everyone to vote on what these Treasure Cards will be including the name, ability, and stats. These items will come with everyone's Kickstarter stretch goal bonuses.

Instagram Contest

Instagram Contest

We are very much a community driven company and want all of our supporters to be able to have fun in the creation of some new exclusive items. Participate in the giveaways and let's dig up some new treasures!

We will post links to forms and polls as we hit these social stretch goals.

In the meantime share some fun treasure card ideas in the comments!

Keep Calm And Wander On!

A New Specter Revealed for Halloween!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 01, 2022 at 02:56:50 AM

Singed Stretch Goal Revealed For Halloween!

Happy Halloween fellow Wanderers! Since we are close to our funding goal and it's Halloween, we wanted to reveal our second stretch goal. LaCluck's First Mate, the Singed the salamander, has risen from the ashes to be revealed as our $95k Stretch Goal!

This spectral fire salamander is no menace to be taken lightly. Singed will use his ropes and lanterns to hook his foes from ranged and throw them to distant areas of the map while setting the area on fire. Heroes will want to focus on offense and mobility to take care of this fiend quickly. Be sure to take care of the spreading fire or you will surely be overrun in this battle of burning chaos!

This Stretch goal will introduce a new boss fight scenario, 1 Singed boss miniature, 1 Singed stat card, and 10 Singed Boss AI Cards.

New Add-0n Deep Dive Video

Many of you have had some questions looking for more information about some of our add-ons on the campaign. Lance from Learn 2 Play Games has created a new video diving into the add-on packs and how they add to the core games.

Character Line Art

Some of you have requested some coloring pages! Here is some new line art from our characters that you can color. Here are some of the early line art of the new LaCluck characters. Share with us on social media if you choose to color any!

Everyday we get close and closer to our funding goal. Once funded, we can start working towards some of the exciting stretch goals we have planned.

Thank you all of the awesome support!

Keep calm and Wander on.