
Wander: LaCluck's Revenge

Created by Panda Cult Games

The long awaited sequel to Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay. Save the town from the ghost pirate chicken lord LaCluck and her crew!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Updates to pledge manager
over 1 year ago – Fri, Mar 10, 2023 at 12:30:55 PM

Good day Wanderers!

We apologize for the silence lately. We have been looking into the concerns you all brought to us and have been working on the best solutions. This took us some time to figure out.

Late Pledges

The late pledge pre-order store is officially up and running. We did a soft launch first to test some things and make sure things are going well. If you missed the Kickstarter, you can late pledge at the link below.

Pre-Order Here

Updating Pledges

We have updated the pledge manager. Everyone should now have the option to upgrade their pledge levels. Thank you all for bringing this concern to us. 


We have been listening to everyone's concerns about being charged later for shipping. We are working with our shipping logistics company to get the most up to date shipping info. Once we have the newest numbers, we will post another update. This way everyone has a solid idea what to expect when we charge for shipping. If there are any changes before we charge for shipping, we will let everyone know. As a small publisher, we have to be very careful about the shipping costs and try to charge the apropriate amount once we are closer to the fulfillment date. If we were to charge now and shipping costs increased, this could be very detrimental to the fulfillment of the campaign.


We will be at Adepticon March 23rd-26th. We will be showing off demoes of Wander: LaCluck's Revenge and Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels. If you're at the show be sure to come by and say hello!

Thank you everyone for your patience and overwhelming support. We will have more frequent updates moving forward to keep everyone posted. We have our sculptor and artist working on all the new stuff. We hope to have some fun exiting things to show you all soon!

Until next time

Keep Calm and Wander On

Backerkit Surveys have gone out!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Feb 02, 2023 at 03:45:22 PM

Good day Wanderers!

Pledge Manager Surveys!

Backerkit pledge manager surveys should be reaching all of you in the next 24 hours!

You do not need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey, click on the survey link from your email, fill it out, and you're good to go! You will be able to answer questions about your rewards, provide shipping information, and add additional add-ons or pledges if you would like.

Be sure to check your emails to get into the pledge manager and finalize your orders.

Treasure Card Results!

The Wanderers have spoken! The Level 2 Weapon will be the Ectoplasm Buster. It will be a 2 Handed, 5 Attack, Ranged Weapon, that has the special ability "3x Crits cause 1 Wound to all Enemies Close to the target. Set target space on fire."

We will keep everyone posted on all further progress and updates on producing the game!

Until next time...

Keep Calm And Wander On!

Pledge Manager Test Surveys!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 01:38:40 PM

Good day Wanderers!

Pledge Manager Test Surveys

We sent out a "Smoke Test" for our Backerkit pledge manager surveys. 

What this means is that emails to the pledge manager surveys have gone out to 5% of the backers to test if everything is operating properly. We expect to send out the rest of the surveys in 48 hours as long as everything is working as intended.

You do not need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey, click on the survey link from your email, fill it out, and you're good to go! You will be able to answer questions about your rewards, provide shipping information, and add additional add-ons or pledges if you would like.

Treasure Card Votes

We currently have two suggestions for the ability of on the Level 2 Treasure card.

The item is a Level 2 two handed weapon called the Ectoplasm Buster that has an attack of 5. The current two suggestions are...

"Move an enemy 2 spaces per Wound done to it."


"If you roll 3x Crits, deal 1 Wound to all Enemies close to the target and that space is on fire."

Comment below on which ability you like more.

We are so excited to be moving forward with the project!

Until next time...

Keep Calm And Wander On!

Backerkit Surveys coming soon!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 03:07:17 PM

Good evening Wanderers!

Pledge Manager

Backerkit surveys are scheduled to be going out early next week so be sure to check your inbox!

We sincerely thank you all for your patience. We have not used Backerkit before and we wanted to make sure we are not making any mistakes with the new system if we can help it. We will be sending a test run of pledge surveys to 5% of you all on Monday next week. If everything goes well, we plan to have the rest of the surveys going out in the following 48 hours.

You do not need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey, click on the survey link from your email, fill it out, and you're good to go! You will be able to answer questions about your rewards, provide shipping information, and add additional add-ons or pledges if you would like. These should all be going out to everyone next week!

Shipping will not be charged right now during this stage. To best ensure we have the most up to date shipping rates for fulfillment, we will be charging shipping costs once we are closer to fulfillment. We will be sure to update everyone with the up to date shipping rates.

Treasure Card Final Vote!

The backers have spoken!

The level 2 Weapon Treasure Card will be an Ectoplasm Buster (slight name change to be safe).

This will be a 2 Handed Ranged Weapon with 5 Atk. What other abilities should this item have? One thought we had was maybe it can move an enemy 2 spaces per Wound done to it.

Comment on this update with what you think the special ability of this weapon should be. Be sure to also reply to one other comment with +1. The comment with the most +1 replies will be the winner!

We will have another update on Monday letting everyone know that the first few test Backkit surveys have gone out.

Until next time...

Keep Calm and Wander On!

Pledge Manager coming soon! Treasure Hunt Card 4 part 3!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Dec 24, 2022 at 01:06:16 AM

Good day Wanderers!

We hope everyone has been having a nice holiday season!

After the Kickstarter, we went to our first show at PAX Unplugged. We had a fantastic turn out at the convention. We met many Kickstarter backers, shared about the exciting new things coming with LaCluck's Revenge, and sold Shovel Knight: Dungeons Duels now that it is back in stock!

Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels can now be purchased on our webstore.

Order Shovel Knight Here!

We apologize for the silence this past month. There was a delay in the Kickstarter funds getting transferred which essentially had us on hold with a lot of the project and not having much to update everyone about. Funds are now transferred and we are ready to go full speed ahead! We will be keeping everyone updated on all the new sculpts, art, and updates moving forward.

Pledge Manager

We are actively building the Backerkit pledge manager. We expect this to be sent out early January. In the pledge manager, you will be able to choose additional add-ons you may want to purchase that you have not selected during the Kickstarter. You may also be able to choose to buy multiple pledges if you wish. All $1 backers will be invited to the pledge manager as well. Anyone who missed the campaign will be able to join as a late backer to get the Kickstarter rewards. All items already selected during the Kickstarter will automatically be put in your cart.


When the pledge manager is sent out, we will not be charging for shipping yet. After all pledges are locked in, everyone will be charged for any additional purchases that may have been selected in the Backerkit pledge manager.

When we get closer to games being shipped out, we will be charging everyone for shipping. This will allow us to have the most accurate shipping prices for all regions. We will be sure to update everyone here on any updated shipping estimates before shipping is charged.

Treasure Hunt Card 4 Part 3!

The people have spoken! The next Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure Card will be a level 2 Weapon Treasure Card.

Next we will vote on what the name of this weapon is.

Comment on this update with what you think the name of this weapon should be plus any additional description of what it could look like. Be sure to also reply to one other comment with +1. The comment with the most +1 replies will be the winner!

Next vote will be on the weapon's abilities.

We will count votes on the next update, next week after the holiday.

Until next time...

Keep Calm And Wander On!