
Wander: LaCluck's Revenge

Created by Panda Cult Games

The long awaited sequel to Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay. Save the town from the ghost pirate chicken lord LaCluck and her crew!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Waku Hero Highlight, and Treasure Card 2 Votes part 2
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Nov 13, 2022 at 02:48:54 AM

Good day Wanderers.

Time to meet the new master of mystic arts for LaCluck's Revenge!

Waku The Frilled-Neck Lizard Witchdoctor

The king of chaos. The mystic of mishaps. The diviner of the dead. Dealings of undead, ghosts, and demons are common place with Waku and his magic studies. 

Many find his customs unsettling or think Waku may have a few screws loose, but Waku is a master of blurring the magical lines of life and death. Over 100 years ago LaCluck’s crew stole valuable magical artifacts from his ancestors. 

The absence of these artifacts have created a magical unbalance for his home. Now that LaCluck’s ship has resurfaced, Waku has joined the Wanderers in hopes to settling the score and return peace to his home.

Prototype Card

Waku play's quite differently than previous Wander magic focused characters. While he has a low defense, his high HP allows him some flexibility with his abilities.

Waku's starting weapon is his poison spray spell. When every Waku succesfully wounds an enemy with Critical roll, he causes all enemies in that space to suffer Poison.  When an enemy is poisoned, the enemy will suffer 1 wound after it activates. This will continue until the enemy is defeated. If an enemy is defeated by poison, Waku will gain the experience.

At level 1, Waku can choose to take Corrosive Aura which will weaken all nearby enemy's defense or Lifetap allowing Waku to steal the essence of the enemies he defeats with a critical attack roll.

At level 3. Waku may learn Life Siphon allowing him to self sacrifice and heal his allies. This ability combined with Lifetap, makes Waku a very powerful support character. Waku can also instead choose to gain Sleeping Powder to gain better control over the enemies. When an enemy suffers Sleep, that enemy is placed on it's side and a sleep token is placed next to the miniature. While sleeping, the enemy has -1 Defense and does not activate until a hero attacks them.  

At level 4, Waku may use his once per encounter ability to take control of an enemy on the board as his Familiar for the rest of the encounter. Waku will be able to spend actions to move and attack other enemies with his new familiar. The stats of the familiar are determined by the stats of that enemy type. Waku may also choose to take Sludge Bomb to knockover entire spaces of enemies after a sucessful critical attack roll. This combined with sleep can become a power house of board control.

At level 5, Waku can harness the power of the souls of his defeated enemies to increase to longevity of his party's morale.

Check out the painted miniature by Elizabeth Beckley!

 Treasure Card 2 Votes Part 3

The new Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure Card will be a Helm called Cast-Iron Cranium Cover! It will be a cast-iron pot being used as a helmet.

Next you all will decide on what ability this helm should have. I've already seen some great suggestions in the comments of the previous post. Since it is a helm item I can see it having some form of bonus to health/defense plus a unique ability.

Comment on this update with what ability you would like this item to have. Also be sure to reply +1 to another comment that you like. Which ever comment has the most +1 replies will be the winner!

The campaign has started to regain it's forward momentum again! Thank you all for the support in all of this. None of this is possible with out you.

Let's continue to spread the word and get more people on this campaign so we can get to our stretch goals!

If you haven't participated in the online social media contest, you can assist with the links below. This will also unlock more Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure Cards. You can participate at the links below!

Click Here For The Facebook Contest

Click Here For The Instagram Contest

Tomorrow we will start votes on our third Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure Card!

Keep Calm And Wander On!

Cutlass Kate Hero Highlight / Treasure Hunt Continues!
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Nov 13, 2022 at 02:48:45 AM

Good day Wanderers!

Time to dive into our swashbuckling Wanderer!

Cutlass Kate The Iguana Swashbuckler

When it comes to swordplay, there isn’t anyone deadlier with a blade than Cutlass Kate! While she may have had a lawfully questionable background with her cohort Flintlock Rodriguez, she is a now a bane to all villainous pirates. 

She’s known for collecting the ill gotten gains of pirate crews and delivering the wealth to communities in need. As a member of the Wanderer’s Guild she has been able to pay off her legal fines placed against Flintlock and herself.

Prototype Card

Cutlass Kate is a very well rounded melee driven character with great potential for offense or defense.

At level 1, Kate can knockdown close enemies when ever she successfully wounds an enemy or blocks hits with a critical role with her Tail Whip or she can choose to sharpen her senses granting all melee weapons Pierce. Pierce automatically ignores 1 defense on enemies.

At level 3, she may gain Charge which grants her a free Attack Action after moving or she can toughen up for a more defensive approach granting her +1 Defense +1HP.

At level 4, Kate can focus her attacks on cornered enemies granting her a bonus attack action or she may use his agile reflexes to no longer need to dodge away from enemy attacks while moving.

At level 5, Kate is out for blood! She gains +1 attack dice per wound on the enemy she is targeting.

Treasure Hunt Continues!

The second treasure card has been decided! The treasure card will be a level 2 Helm item called the Cast-Iron Cranium Cover. It's special abilities are +1 Def, +1 Atk Action after traveling from a cannon.

Treasure Card 3 Votes 1

Time to decide what our next Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure Card will be! This will be a Level 3 Treasure Card. Comment on this update if you would like the next item to be a Weapon, Helm, Armor, or Accessory.

The type with the most comments will win!

Add-Ons and Stretch Goals Revealed, Treasure Hunt Part 4!
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 07, 2022 at 11:14:12 PM

Good day Wanderers!

New Stretch Goals and Add-Ons

We have some exciting releases to share with you all.

We were originally hoping to reveal some of these later in the campaign. You all have asked and we want to deliver! 

First Add-On that will be unlocked with our 3D Dashboards is the LaCluck Dice Add-On. These translucent green dice will be a very limited print run.

New Dice!

At 105K, We will add a bonus Crossover Scenario added to the LaCluck's Revenge Campaign book. 

New Scenario!

Crossover Scenarios will use tiles and components from Barnacle Bay & LaCluck's revenge together to add an alternative route in your choose your own adventure campaign.

Raft & Cannon Minis!

At 105k, we will also unlock the sculpted cannons and rafts pack! These will replace the cannon tokens and raft tiles in your LaCluck's Revenge box. 

Logan The Hamster Berserker

At 110k, we will unlock Logan the hamster berserker or what some call the Hamzerker!

Logan is inspired from our beloved friend Logan Johnston who was such an integral part of building the Wander community.

 Treasure Hunt Continues!

Treasure Card 1 Discovered.

The first Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure Card is The Compass Of The Lost Wanderer. It is an accessory item that will allow you to convert one Event Darkness Tile into a Treasure Darkness Tile once per encounter.

Treasure Card 2 votes part 1

The next treasure card will be a Level 2 Treasure Card. This vote will decide what kind of item this treasure card will be.

Comment on this update with Weapon, Helm, Armor, or Accessory.

Which ever one gets the most comments will win!

Thank you all for all the amazing support.

I am know we can get this campaign back on track in the right direction!

Keep Calm and Wander On!

Amanda Hero Highlight and Treasure Hunt Part 3
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 07, 2022 at 01:01:58 AM

Good day Wanderers. Today let's dive into another hero highlight with Amanda, the mongoose monster hunter.

Amanda Hero Highlight

Amanda was born at sea to a humble sailing merchant family. As a young child, her families' ship was taken down due to a violent storm. When the storm cleared, her family was no where to be found as she drifted at sea with the remains of the family ship. She was discovered by The Shikari, a legendary hunters guild who travel the world slaying terrible beasts for hire. 

The Shikari trained Amanda as one of their own, taking her on expeditions. Amanda became a child prodigy among the guild. At the age of 13, Amanda slayed her first beast, a massive black lion shark, which gained her the nickname of Amanda Sharktooth. 

As Amanda reach adulthood, she no longer wished to pressure others for payment to protect the people. She left the Shikari and joined The Wanderers. Amanda now uses her skills learned from the Shikari as a member of The Wanderer's Guild sailing to distant lands and slaying evil foes.

Amanda is a master tactician who knows the best way to take down any kind of foe. With 4 Knowledge, Amanda is the most knowledgeable Wanderer in the LaCluck's Revenge core box

At level 1, Amanda can either use her lightning reflexes with Lunge allowing her to attack with Melee weapons from 1 space further away, or stay back with a ranged weapon cleaving through the enemies. When ever Amanda wounds an enemy with a Critical Attack Roll, she does 1 wound to another enemy in the same space per Critical rolled.

At level 3, Amanda can become ruthless with her assault gaining +1 Attack and +1 Re-Roll, or she can gain access to Traps. Amanda can spend 1 Action to place a Trap token in an unoccupied space with in two spaces from her. When an enemy enters the space the trap is triggered causing all enemies in the space to suffer Knockdown.

At Level 4, Amanda may thrive under pressure and gain +2 Attack when she is close to more than 1 enemy, or toughen up with her resiliencey.

At Level 5, Amanda becomes a killing machine with Savage Strike gaining her a free attack action after defeating an enemy.

Treasure Hunt Continues!

New Treasure Card Unlocked!

We have unlocked a third Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure card! As of this update, we have reached 51 Likes on Instagram and 43 Shares on Facebook. We are very close to unlocking a fourth Treasure Card from Facebook!

If you haven't participated yet, you can enter the contest at the links below. This will help us reach more people for the Kickstarter and unlock more Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure Cards.

 Enter The Facebook Contest 

Enter The Instagram Contest 

Treasure Card 1 Votes Part 3

The votes are in! The name of the new Accessory Treasure Card is the Compass of The Lost Wanderer!

We are at the final votes for the first Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure Card!

Comment on this update with what ability the Compass of The Lost Wanderer will be. 

Should it grant the hero extra re-rolls? Would it give you more courage? Would it allow you access to more treasure cards? We look forward to hearing everyone's fun ideas for the card.

Write in your own ideas in the comments. Also be sure to reply to one other comment that you like with a +1.

Which ever comment has the most +1 replies, will be the winner! 

Next update we will start designing the next Treasure Card 2.

Thank you all for the amazing support.

Keep Calm And Wander On!

Arctus Highlight and Treasure Hunt Part 2!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 05, 2022 at 05:42:45 PM

Good day Wanderers!

Lets dive deeper into our Kickstarter Exclusive hero Arctus The Rat Plague Knight.

Arctus The Rat Plague Knight

Arctus was once a devout paladin that stood as a proud protector of his people. That all changed when a vile pestilence was unleashed upon the the town by a corrupt Druid that was spreading death across the land. Arctus fought valiantly to save the town against this dark magic to try and save the innocents. In the end Arctus was the only survivor. In his deep sorrow, Arctus lost his faith as a paladin and became one with the darkness that surrounded him. Arctus was reborn as the Plague Knight, using the vile magic that took his people as his new strengths to seek revenge on the vile Druid and stop any who wish to harm the innocent.

Prototype Card

Arctus is a tanky hero full of nasty abilities to weaken the enemies and support his allies.

At level 1, Arctus can use Flea Ridden to lower the defense to all enemy models close to him or imbue his weapon with toxic magic causing poison to those he lands a Critical blow against.

At level 3, Arctus may siphon the life essence of his defeated foes to heal his own wounds or further spread his poisons when defeating an enemy with a Crit.

At level 4, Arctus gains Traps! Traps are a new kind of Hero mechanic being introduced in LaCluck's Revenge. When Arctus defeats an enemy, the enemy model is replaced with a Trap token. If an enemy enters the space or starts their activation in the space of a Trap token, the trap goes off. Arctus's Traps will deal 1 automatic Wound to all enemies in that space. If things are looking tough, Arctus may increase his defenses gaining +1 Defense, +1 HP, and become immune to all status effects!

At level 5, Arctus becomes surrounded by a Malicious Miasma that will automatically wound all Close enemies with every attack action.

Arctus has definitely been a crowd favorite among our playtesting. We can't wait for you all to be able to get him onto the table!

The Treasure Hunt Continues!

Dragon Bow and Miniature Monthly Shield have been added to the Treasure Pile.

You asked and we listened! We are now adding our two previous convention promo items as Kickstarter Exclusive items.

Dragon Bow

The Dragon Bow is a level 1 Treasure Card. It is able to be used as a Ranged or Melee weapon. You must declare before rolling if you are doing a Ranged or Melee attack. With 5 damage Melee it is one of the hardest hitting level 1 Treasure Cards!

Miniature Monthly Shield

The Miniature Monthly Shield is also a level 1 Treasure Item. It grants the hero +1 Defense, and +1 Knowledge. Bonuses to Knowledge are quite rare and is a huge benefit to exploring darkness and putting out fires. This item is a promo for the online painting tutorial services Miniature Monthly. Be sure to check them out on Patreon for some amazing painting tutorials and private lessons by Aaron Lovejoy, Matt DiPietro, and Elizabeth Beckley!

Check out their Patreon here!

Now to dig back in to our treasure hunt!

Treasure Card 1 Votes Part 2

The votes are in! Our first Kickstarter exclusive Treasure Card will be an Accessory item.

Accessories give your Heroes bonuses while in their item slots and you may have multiple accessories equipped. 

Now that we know it's an accessory, comment on this update with the name of the item. Feel free to add any descriptions of what the item is or looks like. We will decide on what the special abilities are of the item in our next vote!

If you like someone else's name, reply to their comment with a +1.

The comment with the most +1 replies, will be the winner!

If you haven't participated in the online social media contest, you can find them on Facebook and Instagram below.

Facebook Contest Link

Instagram Contest Link

The middle of a Kickstarter campaign, is always the slowest for us. Participating in this contest, will help spread the word on our campaign and unlock new Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure Cards.

Be sure to comment with your votes on this update below.

Let's keep this Kickstarter sailing forward and reach new content!

Thank you all for your support.

Keep Calm And Wander On!