
Wander: LaCluck's Revenge

Created by Panda Cult Games

The long awaited sequel to Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay. Save the town from the ghost pirate chicken lord LaCluck and her crew!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Treasure Hunt Card 4 Part 2!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 06:35:01 AM

Good day Wanderers!

Treasure Hunt!

Time to continue the votes on our fourth Kickstarter Exclusives Treasure Card!

The votes are in and this card will be a Level 2 Treasure Card. 

Comment on this update if the item should be an Armor, Accessory, Helm, or Weapon

We haven't done a weapon yet, but the choice is yours! 

The item type with the most comments wins!

We will keep everyone posted on the progress for pledge manager, art, and sculpts!

Until then...

Keep Calm And Wander On!

Damien Unlocked! Jess Wins Vote! Vote On New Hero!
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Nov 20, 2022 at 02:33:32 PM

Good day Wanderers!

We have definitely picked up steam in our final stretch. Time to unlock another stretch goal!

Damien Enters The Battle!

Damien The Duck Duelist is ready to get dangerous!

Our next stretch goal is Jo The Skunk Witch!

Jess Wins The Vote!

Two-Step Jess The Ferret Dancer won the vote and is waiting to choose a dance partner to slay enemies with!

Vote On Next Hero!

Fiz The Bat Bomber

Fiz nearly won the last vote. Will he have what it takes to take on the next reckless challenger?

Agile Alex The Komodo Dragon Brawler

Waku's distant cousin, Agile Alex, is anything but graceful. This crazy komodo is ready to swing, bash, and slam anything in sight with reckless attacks granting bonuses while in the same space of enemies.

Who will win? YOU DECIDE!

Comment on this update with either Fiz or Alex. The hero with the most comments wins!

Let's give this the biggest push in our last 36 hours!

Keep Calm And Wander On.

Last Day! Jo Unlocked! Alex Wins Vote! Vote On Next Hero!
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Nov 20, 2022 at 02:33:20 PM

Good morning Wanderers!

It's our final day on Kickstarter. Let's see what goals we can unlock before it ends!

Jo Skunk Witch Unlocked!

Jo is ready to fly into the battle and hex the enemies with their dark magic! 

Next stretch goal is Spencer the pigeon town weirdo.

Alex Wins The Vote!

Agile Alex the clumsy komodo dragon brawler is prepared to bash in some baddies!

Vote On Next Hero!

Fiz Bat Bomber

Fiz refuses to be defeated! This bat bomber is staying in the fight. He is prepared to burn it all down!

Teri The Chipmunk Monk

Teri is ready to kick and punch her way into the fight! This chipmunk is known for her lightning fast attack speed and countering enemy attacks.

Who will be available first? YOU DECIDE!

Comment on this update with either Fiz or Teri. The hero with the most votes wins!

There are always endless possibilities on how big the last day of a campaign can go. Let's see what we can make happen!

Keep Calm And Wander On.

Few Hours Left! Spencer Unlocked! Fiz Finally Wins!
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Nov 20, 2022 at 02:33:17 PM

We only have a few hours left!

Spencer The Town Weirdo Unlocked!

Spencer is ready to get weird! We are so excited that this character is getting to enter the world of Wander as a hero.

 Two More Crossover Scenarios!

We have thrown in two additional crossover scenarios. There will be now 1 crossover scenario available for level 1, 2, & 3 of the campaign!

Next stretch goal is Don Cargot the sloth Jouster and his trusty racing snail!

We still have time to make this happen!

Fiz Finally Wins!

Fiz won the vote!

Fiz went through many challenges but he finally won over the crowd.

What About The Heroes We Don't Unlock?

We have a large line up of heroes and enemies that we would like to bring to the world of Wander. The competition this month on Kickstarter was intense.  It's always difficult for us to compete with the larger publishers. That being said, we still have had a very successful campaign and the world of Wander will continue to grow! After this Kickstarter is fulfilled, our goal is to be able to release additional heroes over time based off of sales in retail and conventions. If not, there will definitely be another Wander Kickstarter in the future!

Let's see if we can get another stretch goal unlocked!

Thank you all for the amazing support.

Keep Calm And Wander On!

THANK YOU!!! Don Cargot!?
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Nov 20, 2022 at 02:33:12 PM


As a small indie publisher, these games are only possible with the support on Kickstarter and community. Thank you all for standing by us with encouragement. Thanks to each and everyone of you, the world of Wander will continue to grow! This may have been the largest month of board game competition on Kickstarter and you all chose us. For that we are eternally grateful!

Due to all of your support and perseverance, we have decided to add in one final stretch goal.

Don Cargot Charges Into Battle!

We were so close to reaching the 130K stretch goal! We have decided to add Don Cargot as the final unlocked stretch goal to you all.

What Comes Next?

First, the Panda Cult team is going to celebrate and relax over the weekend!

In a few weeks, we will be releasing our pledge manager through Backerkit. You all will be able to select any additional purchases you want in there.  We will be doing 2 stages through the pledge manager. 

First will be to collect everyone's orders and shipping addresses.

When we are closer to production being finished, we will invite everyone back to the pledge manager to pay for their shipping costs. This will allow us to charge the most accurate shipping costs for everyone.

We will be sure to post updates here to remind everyone to complete their pledge manager.

We will be moving forward with finalizing all the new sculpts and characters. We will be showing off the progress to you all along the way.

If you are a Guild Member level backer, we will be reaching out to you via email when we are ready to design those new characters! I'm excited to work with each of you to make your own custom characters.

Don't forget to join our Facebook community, The Wanderer's Guild!

Treasure Hunt Continues!

We still have more votes to do on the Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure Cards!

Kickstarter Exclusive Rhino Plated Armor.

Our 3rd Kickstarter Exlcusive Treasure Card will be the Rhino Plated Armor item. It's ability, will be +1 Def +1 Courage and Immune to Fire & Poison.

We have one final Treasure Card to vote on! We have made a level 1, 2, & 3 item. 

Comment on this update if the last item should be a Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 treasure card. 

We will count the votes and post the results on Monday!

Thank you to the best community ever! Never forget, "Not all those who Wander are lost."

See you all again after the weekend. Until then...

Keep Calm And Wander On!