
Wander: LaCluck's Revenge

Created by Panda Cult Games

The long awaited sequel to Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay. Save the town from the ghost pirate chicken lord LaCluck and her crew!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We are nearly ready! Shipping updates soon!
9 months ago – Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 02:18:06 PM

Good day Wanderers!

Production Update

First off, we want to thank you all for your patience with this campaign. We have been diligently working on making sure this is the best possible game we can make it to be. Unfortunately, everything has taken a lot longer than expected. That being said, We are nearly complete! 

We have just reached out to our fulfilment company to get a full update on shipping + vat info for all regions. We should have that info updated for you all very soon. We have been waiting to charge for shipping since shipping costs can change dramatically. Once I get the info back from our fulfillment team, I will be posting all the updated shipping info here. This should be very soon. We want to be sure to give everyone updated shipping info before we close the pledges and charge cards. We plan to keep the backerkit pledge manager open for a few more weeks through the holidays. We will then lock in all pledges. 

We are still expecting delivery of the game to be within first quarter of 2024. 

Right now there are still backers remaining who have not completed their pledge manager. We will be sending out another reminder email to everyone. Please double check to make sure that you have filled our your pledge manager via Backerkit. If you are unsure or need help please contact us via our contact us page here...

Tile Art

Time to show off some more art!

Check out some of the amazing tile art from the very talented Jose David Lanza.

Above one of LaCluck's ships.

Below the decks!

Convention Wrap Up

The Panda Cult Games team had a fantastic convention season this year. It was fantastic to meet many of you in person. Countless people have come to play the demo of LaCluck's Revenge and are so excited to get to play the full version. Seeing everyone having fun with this world and these characters is what makes it all worth it! Here are some photos from this years convention season. All models and game components are only prototype materials. The minis are 3D prints. Many of them are not in the accurate color that the plastics will be in and some will be adjusted for scale.

Cutlass Kate & Amanda cosplay!
Amanda the Mongoose Monster Hunter facing off against LaCluck's Crew
The Cthurken has been released!
Previews of 3D prints of the new models.
The Panda Cult convention crew! A VERY big thank you to all of our convention volunteers. We could never do this with them!

We will have another update soon with shipping!

Until then,

Keep Calm and Wander on!

Small Update
12 months ago – Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 12:39:14 PM

Good day Wanderers!

We do not have a ton of big news to share at the moment. We are currently working on wrapping up all of the final touches for the game.  We are working on the graphic design for all of our cards, rulebook, and campaign book.

If you pledged to have your own custom Wander hero made, we will be reaching out to you soon! 

We are hoping to have production getting started before the end of the year and have all games shipping out with in the first quarter of 2024.

We are planning on keeping the pledge manager open until we are ready to start production. Once we are ready to pull that trigger we will be sure to update everyone ahead of time.

There are still backers remaining who have not completed their pledge manager. Please double check to make sure that you have filled out your Backerkit pledge manager survey. If you are unsure or need help with finding your survey please send us an email via our contact us page here...

The final process to get ready for production has taken longer than anticipated. We are going everything with care to ensure we deliver the best game possible!

We have had a fantastic run of conventions. It has been truly amazing seeing everyone's excitement and reactions to playing the LaCluck's Revenge demo.  We are so excited to get this game to you all!

In the meantime, check out some of the awesome item art created by Jose David Lanza! Who is ready to fight some baddies with this new equipment?

Harp Bow
Cloak Of The Damned
Electric Eel Launcher
Pants of Bravery

Thank you all for you support and patience! This game wouldn't be possible with you all. We can't wait to bring LaCluck's Revenge to your tables.

Keep Calm and Wander On!

New Sculpts, Gen Con Heroes, Backerkit!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Jul 29, 2023 at 06:34:54 PM

Good day Wanderers!

We have some fun new announcements to share with you all!

New Sculpts!

First off we have the two bonus boss enemies that you all unlocked via stretch goals!


LaCluck's right hand ghoul, Singed, is a firebelly salamander with an explosive temper. Singed will use his ropes and lanterns to toss Heroes across the map while also setting the area on fire. Be sure to take care of the burning ship or things will quickly get out of control!

Hook The Cook

Once ruthless captain, now ship's cook, Hook is always brewing up something awful. He is always looking for fresh ingredients for his stew. Be careful or you may end up on the menu!

Next up we have more Heroes of The Wanderers Guild to show off.


Our long awaited Kickstarter Exclusive hero Arctus the rat Plague Knight. We have been teasing Arctus since Barnacle Bay and we are so excited to bring him out to the table.


Damion is ready to get dangerous against some ghosts!

Don Cargo

Don Cargo is riding in to save the day on his trusty speed snail!


It's that time of year again! The Panda Cult Games team has been traveling across the country this convention season showing off our demo of Wander: LaCluck's Revenge and selling Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels. This next week we will be at our biggest show of the year GenCon 2023! One of the most frequently asked questions this year has been "You have anything new for Wander?!". Our answer has been showing them LaCluck's Revenge and what we are working towards. We have a surprise release at GenCon this year. We have two new heroes available at the convention as an early release. These characters will be available later on our webstore for purchase. There were many characters that we were unable to reach as stretch goals for our mass production and reprint of Wander.  There are so many characters that we want to bring to life. We were hoping to get more characters produced into mass production. Since that wasn't possible, we are trying something new with a small run of high quality resin 3D prints of two characters that we were unable to unlock for this campaign. If this goes well, this can be a new way for us to continue bringing more content to the world of Wander over time outside of a major Kickstarter.


This bat just doesn't know when to give up! After losing so many votes, he still managed to find his way to the front of the line.

Two Step Jess

Jess has your dance card and is ready to boogie down and kill it on the dance floor.

If you're going to be at GenCon next week, come see us at booth 120 to pick up two new Wander heroes and play a demo of Wander: LaCluck's Revenge. If you won't be at GenCon, don't worry! We will have these characters online soon.


We now have all sculpts completed! After GenCon, we will be organizing things to get a good understanding of our production schedule. We are still finalizing some of the printed assets such as the rulebook, campaign book and cards. This project has been taking long than expected, but everything is still moving forward smoothly. We will be organizing a lot of the final assets in the weeks following GenCon. Once we have we have a strong understanding of our timeline and shipping costs, we will be sure to keep everyone updated.

Backerkit Pledge Manager

We have not locked the pledge manager and charged cards yet. We currently have about 75% of backers completed their backerkit survey to finalize their pledge manager. Please be sure to check if you have completed your backerkit surveys. We will be locking the pledge manager down once we are ready to start production. We will keep everyone updated on shipping costs once we have a strong idea of our production schedule and fulfillment. Right now we are still working on the estimated shipping costs listed on the campaign page. These should still be relatively close to what we can expect but we want to be sure before we set things in stone.  

If you have any questions, please contact us via our contact us page on our website here...

Until next time...

Keep calm and Wander on!

New Sculpts!
over 1 year ago – Thu, May 25, 2023 at 01:42:52 PM

Good day Wanderers!

We finally have some fun updates!

New Sculpts!

We have some awesome new sculpts to show off to you all! It's so exciting to see these characters coming to life.

Spencer The Pigeon Town Weirdo

The town weirdo is now 3D and ready to cause havoc for LaCluck and her crew!

Logan The Hamster Berserker

This hamster berserker or Hamzerker is ready to rage against these baddies!

Jo The Skunk Witch

Jo is flying in to hex any ghost that stands in their way!

Plague Knight

Plague Knight is ready to go boom on the ghouls! Plague Knight comes in the Shovel Knight crossover hero pack.

We've shown the early sculpts of these next two already but we wanted to show them off again fully rendered in the appropriate color.

Shovel Knight

Shovel Knight is prepared to shovel out justice in spades! Shovel Knight comes in the Shovel Knight hero crossover pack.

The Cthurken



Things have been taking longer than anticipated. We are striving to make this the best game possible and also have it out to all you wonderful backers as swiftly as we can! As of right now our original plan for August does not seem likely. We are hoping to have the game shipping out to you all by the end of year in time for the holidays! We will be sure to keep everyone posted on our progress and what our timeline looks like as we start production. When we have more updates on shipping costs and charging for shipping we will be sure to let everyone know.

Pledge Manager and Late Pledges

We are still planning on keeping the pledge manager and late pledges open for the moment. We will be closing things up once we are about to start production. You all still have time to adjust your pledges and add the fun add-ons if you like! If you are having issues with not being able to add items to your pledge, send us a private message on Kickstarter and we can assist you on our end. 

We hope to have more sculpts and some new item cards to show off to you all in the next few weeks!

Until next time,

Keep Calm And Wander on!

Model Sculpt Sneak Peaks & Updating Pledges
over 1 year ago – Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 02:54:44 PM

Good day Wanderers!

We have a fun update for you all today!

Rafts, Cannons, Shovel Knight, and The Cthurken!

We have some fun sneak peaks to show on some sculpts that are being worked on. Our amazing sculptor, Heriberto Valle Martinez, has been hard at work brining the amazing art of Jose David Lanza to the 3D world. These images are work in progress and are subject to some minor changes, but we wanted to show them to you all! Please note that the color of the sculpts on these renders will not be the color of the physical models.


Rafts are nearly complete! Have up to 4 of your Heroes climb aboard and safely row across the treacherous Dark Water! Hero bases should safely sit inside the raft to allow you to easily move all heroes together without minis falling over.


Get ready to blast your way through enemies with these cannons!

Be sure to add-on the Rafts & Cannons pack to your pledge!

Shovel Knight

Shovel Knight has entered the world of Wander and is ready to shovel out justice in spades in his classic iconic pose.

 Be sure to add the Shovel Knight hero pack to your pledge!

The Cthurken!

Time to release the Cthurken! This crab, turkey, kraken hybrid is ready to be unleashed upon The Wanderers.

Changing Backerkit Pledge Level

We reached out to Backerkit about being able to change pledge levels. They informed us that all backers should see an option on the very first page of the survey to switch their pledge levels under the Get Started button.

If you have any other issues, let us know and we can look into it once we have returned from Adepticon.


We have also seen some concerns about being charged later for shipping.  We do not want any one to feel locked into a blind commitment on shipping prices. We are looking into the best solutions and will be sure to keep everyone up dated and will have info before pledges are locked in. 

Adepticon 2023

We will be away at Adepticon 2023 in Illinois this week. If you're at the show, come see us at booth 910! We hope to have more info and exciting updates for you once we get back from the convention.

Until next time, keep calm and Wander on!