
Wander: LaCluck's Revenge

Created by Panda Cult Games

The long awaited sequel to Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay. Save the town from the ghost pirate chicken lord LaCluck and her crew!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Logan Unlocked! Don Wins Vote! Vote On Next Hero!
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 02:38:58 PM

The Raging Hamzerker Is Unleashed!

Logan The Hamster Berserker is now unlocked ready to take down LaCluck and her crew!

Next stretch goal is Damion The Duck Duelist!

Don Wins The Vote!

Don Cargot the sloth jouster and his trusty racing snail are ready to charge into battle!

Vote On Next Hero!

Fiz The Bat Bomber

Fiz isn't giving up yet! His fuses are running short!

Two Step Jess The Ferret Dancer

Jess is eager to find a dancing partner to tango in destruction against the foes of The Wanderers Guild. Jess has the ability to choose another hero has her dance partner granting bonuses to both of them across the board. Different dances create different bonuses for the pair. She is ruthless on her own, but pair her with a well chosen partner; it is will be worthy of a standing ovation.

Which hero will it be? YOU DECIDE!

Comment on this update with either Fiz or Jess. Which ever hero gets the most comments is the winner!

Things are picking up in our last 48 hours. We are excited to see how far we get!

Keep Calm And Wander On!

Last 48 Hours! Cannons Unlocked! All-In Pledges!
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 02:14:13 PM

Good day Wanderers!

We are heading towards the last 48 hours of the campaign today.  

We have unlocked our final add-on and our all-in pledge levels for our final push!

Cannon & Raft Minis Unlocked!

Since we are heading towards the end of the campaign and we are confident these will be unlocked by the end, we have unlocked the 3D Raft & Cannons Add-On early!

This will help give us a stronger push at the end of the campaign.

Since all add-ons are unlocked we have also put in two all-in pledges!

All-In Pledges Now Available!

We have created 2 different all-in pledges.

LaCluck All-In Pledge!

Wanderer's All-In Pledge!

Get your all-in pledges now to have get the largest savings in these bundles!

We will have another update today on Hero and Treasure Card votes.

Thank you all for the amazing support with this campaign. As a small indie publisher, we truly need the support of the community on Kickstarter to make any of our games possible. Let's give this campaign our final push to see what else we can unlock!

Keep Calm And Wander On!

Crossover Scenario Unlocked! Spencer Wins! New Hero Vote!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 09:25:35 PM

Good day Wanderer's! We are riding the wave of the last two days of  the campaign. We have unlocked another stretch goal.

Crossover Scenario Unlocked!

This scenario will use components from Barnacle Bay & LaCluck's Revenge.

We have hopes in the future of creating more community driven scenarios available to be released online in the future! We have the best community ever and we would love to see what sort of scenarios you all could come up with in the future. We are still working out the logistics of community scenario creation for the future of Wander.

Next Stretch Goal Logan The Hamster Berserker!

We are on our way to bringing the hamzerker into battle!

Spencer Wins The Vote!

3rd time was the charm for our infamous town weirdo of Barnacle Bay.

Vote On The Next Hero!

Fiz The Bat Bomber

Fiz may have lost the last vote, but he is still burning the fuse at both ends to win the fight!

Don Cargot Snail Jouster

Don Cargot is ready to ride into battle on his trusty speed racing snail! This fearless jouster is ready to stand against any foe. He may not have the best eyesight though. It was rumored that he was once seen attacking a windmill. 

Which hero will be set as a stretch goal next? YOU DECIDE?

Comment on this update with either Fiz or Don. 

The hero with this most comments wins!

Let's keep this ship sailing and hit more goals! Be sure to share the campaign to social media and any gaming forms so we can try and reach more people.

Thank you for the amazing support.

Keep Calm and Wander On!

Hook The Cook Unlocked! Jo Wins Vote! Vote On Next Hero!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 06:16:04 AM

Hook Is Cooking Up Something Awful!

The captain that was demoted to ships cook has been unlocked!

All copies of LaCluck's Revenge will now come with 1 Hook miniature, his boss stat card, 10 boss ai cards, and a new hook the cook boss fight added to the game's campaign!

Next Stretch Goal: Barnacle Bay / LaCluck's Revenge Crossover Scenario & 3D Cannons & Rafts Add-On.

You may choose to add the $25 amount to your pledge level now to help us get to this goal sooner!

Jo The Skunk Witch Wins The Vote!

The votes are in and Jo is set in to follow up in the stretch goals.

Vote On The Next Hero!

Spencer The Pigeon Town Weirdo

Spencer may have lost the vote but he refuses to back down! We still hold on hope for this unsung hero!

Fiz The Bat Bomber

Spencer is not the only hero with a few screws loose in the line up! Fiz is the master of explosives. It may or may not be how he lost his leg. This pyromaniac will fight fire with well... fire! Be sure to not let him get too carried away.

Who will be next in line as a stretch goal? YOU DECIDE!

Comment on this update with either Spencer or Fiz. The hero with the most comments will be set in line to be unlocked.

We are coming into the final days of the campaign. Let's keep things moving!

Keep Calm And Wander On!

3 Days Left! Who is LaCluck?
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 03:19:30 AM

Last 3 Days!

We have 3 days left of the campaign! We are heading towards unlocking another stretch goal and add-on.

To reach this goal faster, be sure add the dollar amount of all the add-ons you want to your pledge.

You can choose to add the $25 for cannons and rafts now so that we may unlock them sooner!

You can also add your estimated shipping costs to your pledge. This will be credited towards your pledge manager where you will pay for shipping.

If you are currently a $1 backer, adding your pledge amount now will help us get the biggest push for our last few days.

Be sure to enter our social media giveaway contest to help spread the word of Wander and unlock more Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure Cards!

Enter The Facebook Giveaway!

Enter Instagram Giveaway!

Time to dive into the main villain of our story!

Ghost Pirate Chicken Lord LaCluck!

LaCluck began pirating as a shipmate to the infamous Captain Hook. She quickly moved up the ranks of the crew as one of the most ruthless swashbucklers on the seas. While on the high seas, LaCluck's captain, Hook, was embarrassingly defeated by a young squirrel named Pan.  That day, Captain Hook became obsessed with vengeance, filled with a fiery rage to find and vanquish this foe. Months would go by without a single bit of treasure or pirating done due to Hook's obsession. LaCluck and the rest of the crew became restless and tired of this wild squirrel chase. LaCluck led a mutiny and quickly took over Hook's ship as the new captain.

As the Captain, LaCluck's command grew as she captured ship after ship. Her massive fleet would sail across the world stealing magical relics for her ever growing hoard of treasure. These relics contained secrets to eternal life, fortune, and eldritch incantations . As her horde of treasures grew, LaCluck became paranoid of a possible mutiny.

As a back up plan, she began hiding her treasures in the catacombs under the town of Barnacle Bay where she knew they would be protected by the one person she could trust, her secret love interest, General Plat E. Pous. The general, the great grand father to Barnacle Bay's present day mayor, was a high ranking naval officer who would secretly meet LaCluck at Barnacle Bay in between voyages. As LaCluck's treasure and powers grew, the general's heart became corrupted by the dark magic filling him with greed and envy. In his darkness, he started using the relics for his own power.

The next time LaCluck and her crew sailed into Barnacle Bay, they were caught off guard by a naval fleet waiting for their arrival. The general personally led the charge and shot down LaCluck, sinking her to a watery grave. It was only after LaCluck's death did the General realize how the relics had corrupted him into killing his one true love. He stashed these treasure deep in the hidden catacombs in hopes they would never be found again.

150 years later, Elder Bane and his Cult of The Deep discovered these relics under the town of Barnacle Bay, beginning the story of Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay. When Elder Bane unlocked the magic from LaCluck's treasures, he inadvertently resurrected the ghost pirate chicken lord LaCluck and her Fleet of The Damned!

Not realizing how much time has passed, LaCluck is now hell bent on getting revenge on Plat E. Pous and the town of Barnacle Bay!

We need more votes on our next Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure Card!

We are taking votes on what the ability of our third Kickstarter Exclusive Treasure Card. Be sure to go the the update linked below and comment with what ability you would like this Level 3 Armor item should have. Also be sure to reply +1 to another comment you like.


Excited to see what goals we unlock!

Keep Calm And Wander On!